Dusted Features
Every Friday, Dusted Magazine publishes a series of music-related lists determined by our favorite artists. This week: John Dwyer's Coachwhips + Brooklyn noise trio Parts & Labor.
Listed: Coachwhips + Parts & Labor
John Dwyer's Coachwhips could be the Next Big Thing just as easily as they could be the gritty punk band playing at your local all-ages club. Their raw, sincere energy predates and transcends garagey trends and half-assed musics of the present. Dwyer's filthy, incoherent vocals combined with his destructed guitar make Coahwhips' "Coachtrips" a real blast. Their latest album, Get Yer Body Next Ta Mine is out now on Narnak Records.
John Dwyer top ten list of pain and glory...
1. The Icky Boyfriends – This is, as far as I am concerned the best thing ever to come out of the Bay Area. I got to meet the singer guy, John, in Baltimore recently, and I told him I felt like I was meeting Diana Ross (see pick #2) he got scared like I was fucking with him, but then by the end of the night, he was all over our keyboard player. This band is simple, pure, catchy as fuck and you wish you had though of it first...
2. The Supremes – What can I say about the Supremes? People hear them and take them for granted, I think. Have you ever gotten stoned and cranked the greatest hits....holy shit is right. It's like "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop totally jacked the rhythm section. And the words, oh god the words...I cry.
3. Ulver – Nattens Madrigal (Century Media) – I am listening to it right now. If My Bloody Valentine wrote a black metal record that was non-stop. This record apparently has bass, but you hafta find it to feel it. Tracks 5 thru the end are awe-inspiring. I am sure that Lightning Bolt has never even heard this shit, but they should. The perfect driving music or backdrop for one of my countless D+D games.
4. Doc Bogs – He was white. He played banjo, he sang in a nose voice about how they "couldn't find her head." Oops...this shit must have been ahead of its time, or maybe its was like what Tales from the Crypt is now, back then...I don’t know what that means, but it felt good to say.
5. My Mom – Anything by her – She fucks shit up. I am like her in that I don’t have an internal editor, I say shit without thinking, and people cry in my wake. Naw, I'm just kiddin', but man she is the shit. Really, you would love her, then she would tell you a story about trippin' on mushrooms that would make you pee your pants.
6. Bo Diddley – This man is GOD...You ever see a painting of black Jesus?? That is Bo. He wrote songs that made me wanna play rock and roll, but man I still get the shivers and wanna throw my guitar away when I hear him go...."UH.HOO.HOO.HA.HA.HA.HA..." Have Guitar Will Travel is a good starter for the new schooler.
7. Hasil Adkins – Chicken Walk (Buffalo Bop / Dee Jay) – All the shit by this man is good, but this record blew my mind. I was hanging with Val Tronic and John Harlow and our friend Jim in Greensboro (he's in The Children) and we were soooo drunk and high, that Jim was singing this shit at the top of his lungs and slow dancing for us while we sat and watched. I couldn't even talk, and if you know me, that’s sumthin! p.s. – Val-Tronic is a hottie.
8. Harry Pussy – If you didn’t see this band live, you missed out. Adris kept saying really negatronic shit and you kept feeling this band was on its way out. Oh yeah and she hit Lou Barlow on the head with a drum stick cuz he was all retard dancin'. Plus she was hot, and Bill was a bad mutherfucker on white improvisation(?). He apparently lives here in SF and is like some kinda mole man or general cult mystery (like the deep sea squid). He's there but you can't see him.
9. The Hospitals – This band just put out some shit on In The Red and had a 7”. Before that Rod played guitar and Adam drummed. Static, bullfight garage. I am filling in for Rod right now (for awhile, forever???)and I gotta say it's a pleasure. This shit is blown and Adam is like some kinda brute genius on drums. And his words are so rad that you ferget it be garage.
10. Finally...the beach – This place rules. It's where the land meets the sea...go there if you haven't been. It's peaceful, fun and sexy, and its one of the only places I can think. I don't know why, and beer tastes good at this joint. Trust me.
Parts & Labor
A cursory listen to music made by Brooklyn's Parts & Labor could easily lead one to pigeonhole them alongside the likes of Lightning Bolt, Pink & Brown, and other contemporary punky exciters. However, Parts & Labor skillyfully set themselves apart by incorporating an astoundingly wide range of influence and tones, ranging from glitchy electronic soundscapes to mathy, angular rock. Their self-titled debut album is out now on JMZ Records. Their cheif electrician, Dan Friel, contributed his list
10 records that I really like, in no particular order.
1. Amps For Christ – Circuits (Vermiform) – Heart-wrenching Celtic folk sung over shrieking caveman electronics and homemade string instruments that sounds like it was recorded at Stonehenge a thousand years ago. Possibly the most beautiful record I own.
2. Dog Faced Hermans – Bump and Swing (Alternative Tentacles) – Political Dutch Jazz-Punk with a kickass frontwoman doubling on vocals and trumpet. They rock like nothing else and cover Ornette Coleman.
3. Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares Vol. 2 (Elektra/Nonesuch) – Bought this beat up record for $2 when I was 19 and it floored me. Spent the next 5 years trying to make my guitar sound like 30 Bulgarian women who are trying to sound like 100 chirping birds.
4. John Coltrane – Live at Birdland (Impulse!) – The first jazz record I ever owned, and it still gives me goosebumps. The man himself just starting to hint at the boundaries he would push later on in life. “Alabama”, his eulogy for the children killed in bombing of a black church is one of the most powerful pieces of music I've ever heard.
5. Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (Merge) – Nothing I can say about this record that hasn't already been said. It's summertime, so I'm listening to it a lot again.
6. Neurosis – Enemy of The Sun (Alternative Tentacles) – I've never been so apprehensive about the release of a record. I was convinced that there was no possible way for these guys to make an album as good as Souls at Zero, and they proved me wrong. Slow, epic metal, heavy on the samples and strings, culminating with a 20 minute track with eight drummers.
7. Charles Mingus – The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady (Impulse!) – Flamenco guitars, tubas, saxophones, and a million other instruments speed up and slow down and stop and start again and tell a story that is impossible not to pay attention to. Genius.
8. Fugazi – 13 Songs (Dischord) – Ironically, this was the first compact disc I ever owned. I think my parents got it in a mall for me for x-mas. I didn't know what this hardcore stuff was going to sound like, but at first listen, it sure didn't sound that hard. Then it hit me.
9. Sonic Youth – Sister (Geffen) – For a long time there were only two Sonic Youth records to me – Confusion is Sex and Dirty. Sister made me understand how those two records could have come from the same band, and that made me happy.
10. Black Sabbath – Master of Reality (Warner Brothers) – In 9th grade I had a guitar teacher with long poofy hair who was really into Jesus and wore acid washed jeans and white Reebok high tops. He worked out of the guitar shop in the mall and had a double neck guitar that said his name on it. A friend bullied me into asking him to teach me a couple of songs off of The Headless Children by WASP. My guitar teacher told me I was a fucking loser and to go buy some Sabbath.
Also: Friends Forever Boredoms Chris Corsano Floor Busdriver and Radioinactive Aceyalone Deerhoof Blair Wells The Danger Van (RIP)
By Dusted Magazine