Dusted Features
Every Friday, Dusted Magazine publishes a series of music-related lists compiled by our favorite artists. This week: Scout Niblett and Parish School.
Listed: Scout Niblett + Parish School
Scout Niblett
In spite of numerous and always memorable guest vocal spots, don't make the mistake of filing Scout Niblett away with other session singers and lucky breakers. This Birmingham, England-born singer/songwriter gave up piano lesson's at age nine because she "didn't want to learn other people's songs," and seemingly hasn't looked back since. Her powerful voice is difficult to resist, and even more difficult to forget, and her songwriting has evovled tremendously to reveal a mature and impressive songwriter. Her production has also improved greatly, due in no small part to the fact that Steve Albini has handled most of her recent recordings. Scout Niblett's new album, Kidnapped By Neptune, came out this week on Too Pure Records.
1. The sound of my mom singing along to The Everly Brothers while i am lying in the back seat of our car on the way to Great Yarmouth. My mom has the sweetest voice. And she'd jig around in the seat as she was singing.
2. Irma Thomas The songs (ruler of my heart, its raining, someone to care, good to me) Irma has the best voice. it's warm and lilting but has a fireceness there, too. These songs are some of my favourites ever. I want to see her one day. I hope I get the chance. I always fantasize that Irma and Otis Redding were lovers. If they weren't they should have been. They were like the male and female version of each other.
3. Daniel Johnston The 1990 album – Kramer’s production on this is perfect for these songs. But the songs are so amazing to me, so fucking pure, "True Love Will Find You in the End" is probably my favourite song ever written in the world ever. It reminds me of riding my bike around Bloomington, Indiana in the summer of 2002, the period i was listening to this album every day and was the soundtrack to the first time i ever saw fire flies. I thought i was seeing faries Indiana style.
4. Nirvana Seeing them live and all thier records. My favourite band in the whole world ever. Kurt Cobain was who inspired me to start playing the guitar. He is in the back of mind all the fucking time.
5. Rimsky Korsakov - Schéhérazade This piece of music kills me. I used to listen to this while I took a bath. It's just exquisite to me. It inspired me to write "Rimsky to the Rescue" as an ode to him.
6. A Chess Records Compilation and a compliation called The First Time I Met The Blues Both I bought after spending a summer with my uncle when i was 15. He listens to nothing but blues records. They kept me company for so many years. When I listen to them I feel like i'm being given a huge hug.
7. Being at the Reading Festival in 1991 and doing acid for the first time while watching Nirvana, Babes in Toyland, Sonic Youth and Iggy Pop. my whole world opened up. I was converted.
8. Listening to The Kills play while i am lying on my back smoking a cigarette in a northern Italian parking lot three days ago.
9. The sound of The Pixies' song “Debaser” coming on in a club that I used to go to called The Nummingbird in Birmingham. Every saturday I was there. I was eighteen - the "Debaser "intro made me start dancing.
10. A mix tape an ex-boyfriend gave me. It was full of amazing songs. Mainly hard rock. My favourite one on their was “4th of July” by Soundgarden. I listen to that song every day if I have it with me. The other ones that stuck out were some early ZZ Top songs. I became a die hard fan of Tejas and Tres Hombres after hearing that tape.
Parish School
Parish School is the name recently adopted by Chicago everyman Brian Case. In addition to his recent solo ep (released by the new label, Record Label), Case is best known as being the singer/guitarist of Chicago indie luminaries 90 Day Men, and more recently as the guitarist of garage rockers The Ponys. While primarily known for his sludgy/heavy riffs and vocals in 90 Day Men, his work in Parish School is far more refined and mellow, and deceptively more complex. Parish School's debut record, Alikeness, is out now.
1. Gris Gris live These guys are amazing. Ponys just finished a tour with them and on top of watching them every night, we usually listened to their new album while driving during the day. I don't think i've ever heard the line "all fucking pigs must die" sound more approporiate.
2. Mick Jagger With lines like "you make a dead man come," you may be asking yourself who this guy thinks he is. Well, turns out he's a fucking knight so stop asking yourself why no one's messed with the UK in awhile.
3. Braniac - Hissing Prigs in Static Colture What a great album. So many bands have tried to copy this sound and they can't even come close to sounding like a bad Braniac. I hadn't listened to this in a long time but it's been keeping me awake during some all nighters lately. Go revist it and just think what they would have done with their next album.
4. 50 Cent - "Hate it or Love it (G Unit remix) This song rules, sounds like some old soul thing, which it probably is. The chorus sounds like "dun da dun da dun" but I think he's say "the dogs on top". Whatever, summer hip hop jams rule.
5. Gang Gang Dance - God's Money Some new band from NYC that has a guy or two from the Cranium. It's pretty random at times with really melodic bass lines that kind of pull it all together.
6. Death Cult This is the band after Southern Death Cult and before the Cult. It's kind of desert disco or something. With all this dance punk stuff going on these days i'm kind of suprised no one's picked up on this. It's probably a little too goth for this year.
7. Brown Bunny soundtrack If you're having a diffucult time locating this, it's the one with Vincent Gallo getting a blow job on the cover.
8. The Sound - Jeopardy So I guess this band The Sound was around right when Echo and the Bunnymen were getting big. Same label, same year, similar sound but they just didn't take off. Then the singer killed himself. This record is awesome. Kind of hard to find but worth tracking down.
9. Hot Snakes This band is great and they "promise to never break up forever until the end of time".
10. KEXP This is a radio station in seattle (90.3 fm). You can get it online.
By Dusted Magazine